Ivor George
Tuesday 28th May, 2013 - 11:38am
Ivor George
It is with regret that Mousehole Male Voice Choir announce the death of Ivor George on Thursday 23 May 2013. Ivor was one of the choir's longest serving members and will be greatly missed. To his widow, Beryl, we send our sincere sympathy and will keep her in our thoughts.
Ivor had been a boy chorister in his younger days and carried his musical skills and his singing almost to the end of his life, only taking a leave of absence from the ranks of the second tenors when he had to begin hospital treatment. We all hoped he would return but it was not to be.
Ivor was a man you could always rely on for an accurate lead. He was a singer in the fullest sense of the word but was never boastful of his abilities to pitch a note accurately and get the timing right. His loyalty to the choir was an example and it was a very rare event for Ivor to be missing wherever a concert was held. More than that, he will be remembered for his friendliness and quiet humour. It's hard to think about that empty chair at rehearsals.