Two Years On. Rehearsing At The Pirates Ground
Thursday 17th February, 2022 - 12:12pm
Quoting Yoda from the immensely popular Star Wars films,
“In a dark place we
find ourselves, and a
little more knowledge
lights our way”
back over the last couple of years how true this is. The light at the
end of the tunnel was just a distant glimmer two years ago when the
choir stopped practising to deal with the Covid pandemic. It seems now
that it was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away……….
we are still dealing with Covid and learning to live with it life has
begun to return to normal and for the choir the early face to face choir
practices began last July.
voices have often been raised at The Mennaye, the Cornish Pirates rugby
ground in Penzance, but never like on the first Monday evening in July
2021 when MMVC came there to rehearse. It had never been done like this
before. Forty choir members lined up in the rain, wind and thunder and
spaced themselves out in the grandstand, with everyone wondering if this
was the right time to start.
the choir did it! The grandstand provided shelter and had plenty of
space (and ventilation), David Evans set up the keyboard and the PA
system, the Club opened the toilets (though not the bar), and for the
first time since February 2020 the choir came together and sang.
Lawry, the MD chose ‘We Rise Again’ to start, ‘And Can It Be’ to end,
and as the light faded Annette and June shone a torch to see the music.
The choir’s longest-serving member (Derek Harvey) was there as well as
the newest ones (Tristan and Neil). It was good to greet people seen
only on Zoom screens or not at all since March 2020.
weren’t ideal conditions for rehearsing, to say the least, but it
showed that the Pirates’ grandstand worked for the choir whatever the
weather. This was just the beginning. No-one was sure what the next
weeks and months would bring, but the choir took an important step and
the planning began for returning more and more to the MMVC that everyone
remembered from before lockdown. Gene Kelly said it all:
‘Singing in the rain, just singing in the rain,
What a wonderful feeling, I’m happy again’.
choir continued at The Mennaye until the evenings got too dark before
returning to weekly rehearsals at Paul Church where they also gave a
Christmas carol concert (the first one indoors for nearly two years),
which was heartily welcomed by the audience as well as ourselves. Also,
this year, the choir have returned to a full programme of events and
now, it is pertinent for the choir to remember and sincerely thank, the
Cornish Pirates especially Phil Westren, for all they did to make those
early rehearsals possible.
Finally a quote from one of the opening sequences of one of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episodes is currently very apt:
“Never give up hope no matter how dark things seem”